Solexer of the month: Andy

My name is Dédé, I'm 57 years old and I live on Lake Neuchâtel. In 1971 my grandfather, who lived near a gasworks in Solothurn, won a Solex 5000 in the cycling club's lottery.
As soon as my legs were long enough to stand on this Solex, he taught me how to ride it. As a ten-year-old boy, I was lucky enough to spend entire Sundays driving with him on the closed factory roads. 

Years later it was only natural that I inherited the Solex. I still use it regularly to buy bread in the neighboring village. 
One day my Solex wouldn't start anymore. To repair it, I turned to Mario, a lover of old two-wheeled machines, who not only restored it, but also restored two other Solexes that I had bought online. 
Now every time I open my garage I don't know which one to sit on: the 5000 from 1971, the 3800 from 1966, or would I rather the 2200 from 1962? 

I love watching my children ride the very first motor vehicle I drove 47 years ago now.

My little brother on a Solex 5000.
My three Solex.
The next generation is already following.
Die nächste Generation ist bereits im Anmarsch.