
60km ride with Vélosolex

2021, Issue 4

Walter Wermuth took part in our club rides on June 19, 2021 and his article about it appeared in the 4th 2021 issue of MOTOnews.

Velosolex: Two Zurich women are keeping the e-bike predeccessor alive

December 20, 2019

As part of the preparations for the VeloSoleX Switzerland event, TeleZüri paid two of our members a visit. The 4-minute report was broadcast on ZüriInfo.

Zürcher Unterländer
Their heards beat for old bikes

October 10, 2019

As part of the preparations for the VeloSoleX Switzerland event, the Zurich Unterländer paid a visit to two of our members. Event VeloSoleX Schweiz stattete der Zürcher Unterländer zwei unserer Mitglieder einen Besuch ab.

Buchsi News
Velosolex makes Buchsi unsafe

October 10, 2019

An article about our club and the planned event VeloSoleX Switzerland in the Buchsi News. Event VeloSoleX Schweiz in den Buchsi News.

Berner Zeitung
Velosolex makes Buchsi unsafe

September 30, 2019

Julian Seidl from the Berner Zeitung interviewed our four founding members.
