Here are all our club's rides and events with photos and a short description. You can scroll through or jump directly to a specific event via the table of contents.
Ride from 14 September 2024, Allaman
Unter blauem Himmel trafen sich 51 Solexer und Solexerinnen am 14. September 2024 in Allaman im Kanton Waadt. Die knapp 60 Kilometer lange Route führte uns zunächst in die Weinregion „La Côte“ und zu einer Weinkeller-Führung im Château de Vinzel. We continued through the vineyards across the French border to Divonne-les-Bains and from there to Nyon on Lake Geneva. We braved the strong headwind along the lake back to Allaman. In the evening, we were treated to a wine tasting organised by the Domaine de la Tuilière and a three-course meal by two members of the Club Les Potes au Feu .
Ride from September 2nd, 2023, Stans
Die Ausfahrt 2023 fand diesmal in Stans statt. Sandro von „Velosolex Nidwalden“ hat die Rolle vom lokalen Gastgeber übernommen. 50 Solexerinnen und Solexer aus allen vier Sprachregionen der Schweiz plus Deutschland und Frankreich haben den Weg in die schöne Innerschweiz gefunden. Bei traumhaftem Wetter haben wir eine wunderschöne Ausfahrt um den Vierwaldstättersee genossen.
Club ride on September 3rd 2022, Steinmaur ZH
The trip from the VeloSoleX Switzerland association on September 3rd, 2022 is over. 34 Solex residents were not deterred by the uncertain weather forecast and, after a short downpour, were rewarded with a wonderful ride in pleasant temperatures and sunshine. Here you can find some photos.
Club ride on June 19th 2021, Münchenbuchsee
Unfortunately, we were still unable to hold our VeloSoleX Switzerland event to the extent we’ve planned on the postponed date due to the pandemic. The Corona-compliant replacement program was still a complete success: 50 Solexers from three countries completed a 60-kilometer ride in the Münchenbuchsee region and enjoyed the beautiful summer weather.
Club ride on May 29th 2021, Steinmaur ZH
We were happy to combine our club meetings with a trip and were accompanied by friends, family and Solex fans from the region.
Club ride on June 20th 2021, Münchenbuchsee
Unfortunately, we had to postpone our first major international VeloSoleX event due to the pandemic. But we didn't miss the opportunity to enjoy a 60 kilometer long ride from Münchenbuchsee to Buchegg and back again in a small group.
Club ride on May 30th 2020, Steinmaur ZH
Small club ride in the cantons of Zurich and Aargau in fantastic spring weather.
Association founded December 1st, 2018
In December 2018 we founded our association “VeloSoleX Switzerland” over a good dinner and with the help of lots of post-its in Münchenbuchsee.