Solexer of the month: Andy

I'm Andy, forty-two, from the region of Solothurn. I've been working on motorcycles for over 30 years now. The Solex have always impressed me, so I finally bought one in the summer of '22, cheap and in poor condition. I had no idea either, but I'm enjoying it more and more and the ugly duckling has become a beautiful swan. I definitely need it once every week, even if it's just to get fresh croissants in the village. People really enjoy it! Kind regards, Andy

Solexer of the month: Andy Read More »

Show your Solex!

The Swiss Velosolex scene is very active with its numerous clubs and individuals - but who are these people who take care of their Solex with dedication and lovingly slow down the Swiss traffic? We would like to put you, dear Solex residents, in the spotlight and portray you and/or your Solex.
Send us a photo (your Solex with or without you on it), tell us in a short text about your passion, your story, your collection or your experiences. Let’s get to know the Swiss Solex scene together!

Show your Solex! Read More »

Update zu „75 jaar SOLEX Niederlande“

The big anniversary celebration for 75 years of Solex will take place in the Netherlands on the Pentecost weekend from May 26th to 28th, 2023. A large international event in which over 500 Solex took part on the 70th anniversary in 2018. In addition to the registration form, the newsletter is now also stored our calendar. Here you will find all information about the event. Click here to go directly to the calendar..

Update zu „75 jaar SOLEX Niederlande“ Read More »

Ride on September 2nd, 2023 through central Switzerland

The next outing from the VeloSoleX Switzerland association will take place on Saturday, September 2nd, 2023. This time we will go to central Switzerland with our Solex! We were able to get Sandro from Velosolex Nidwalden as a local host. Save the date now!

Registration will open in May, until then all the necessary information will be available on our homepage. If you would like to be kept up to date automatically, then it's best to subscribe to our newsletter! Newsletter!

Ride on September 2nd, 2023 through central Switzerland Read More »

New in our shop: The luminous vest

Auf unserer letzten Vereinsausfahrt wurden wir immer wieder auf unsere Leuchtwesten angesprochen. Wir lassen euch natürlich nicht warten, darum gibt es neu in unserem Shop „The luminous Vest„!
Be a shining example! This vest not only looks great thanks to the Solex printed on the back and front. It makes you visible to everyone with its neon yellow and reflective strips when you drive through the streets with your Solex.

New in our shop: The luminous vest Read More »

Colleagues wanted for Velosolex trip from Bern to Paris in summer 2023

Thomas has big plans! He has been thinking about taking a trip to Paris with his Velosolex for some time now. True to the motto: Why fast when slow can be so beautiful. The journey is scheduled to start in July/August 2023 and will take you to Paris in 9 stages of 50 - 70km each.
Would that be something for you? Here you can find more information about the trip and Thomas.

Colleagues wanted for Velosolex trip from Bern to Paris in summer 2023 Read More »

Registration for the club ride from september 3rd 2022

The VeloSoleX Switzerland association invites you to the annual club outing on Saturday September 3rd, 2022! This time a route of almost 70 kilometers - and of course suitable for Solex - will take us through the Zurich Unterland and Aargauer Zurzibiet. We will also expand our horizons in the Ebianum excavator museum and our physical well-being will also be taken care of. There is only space for 50 participants, so register now and join us!

You can find further information in this link..

Registration for the club ride from september 3rd 2022 Read More »

Solex routes

Even if our Solex are equipped with pedals... we don't want to use them too much. Especially not in hilly and mountainous Switzerland. For this reason, we collect Solex-compatible routes on which you can easily explore Switzerland on your Solex.

Discover route 1The 56 kilometers take you through the Bernese Seeland past lakes and castles, through avenues and small villages.

Solex routes Read More »

Our homepage is online!

After a lot of work, our homepage is finally online! Many things will continue to grow over time, also thanks to your help. Do you know any clubs and service providers that are not yet listed? Can you recommend Solex-suitable routes in your region? Is there a Solex event taking place in Switzerland? We hope you enjoy browsing.

Our homepage is online! Read More »

Event VeloSoleX Schweiz vom 18.-20 Juni 2021 abgesagt

Die Situation rund um COVID-19 hat sich leider nicht so schnell wieder entspannt, wie wir das vor einem Jahr gehofft hatten. Die Schweiz befindet sich wieder im Lockdown und öffentliche sowie private Veranstaltungen sind nach wie vor verboten. Die grosse Unsicherheit verunmöglicht eine sichere und längerfristige Planung unseres Events. Die für internationale Veranstaltungen benötigten Schutz- und Hygienekonzepte würden unseren Event so weit reduzieren, dass er nicht mehr unserer Vision entspricht. 
Bleischweren Herzens haben wir uns deshalb entschieden, den diesjährigen Event abzusagen. Wir nehmen die Planung wieder auf, wenn sich die Situation soweit entspannt hat, dass sie einen 1. Internationalen VeloSoleX Event, so wie wir ihn uns vorstellen, zulässt. Seid versichert: Wir bleiben dran und halten euch auf dem Laufenden! 

Event VeloSoleX Schweiz vom 18.-20 Juni 2021 abgesagt Read More »
